Lyric Chickadee Premium Sunflower Nut Mix 4LB

  • VG#: 026928
  • Manufacturer: LEBANON LYRIC
  • Mfg #: 2619063
  • Case Pack: 8
  • UPC Code: 088685190636
  • Going Fast Only 8 Cases Left

  • MSRP: $14.39
  • Dealer Price: $8.63


Wild bird food"lyric chickadee" bagged Place food in a bowl style feeder. For black-capped chickadee, carolina chickadee, tufted titmouse, downy woodpecker, carolina wren. White-breasted nuthatch, red-breasted nuthatch. Chickadees tend to forage together with nuthatches and titmice in mixed flocks. They dwell in trees and they relish sunflower mixes and tree nuts. Lyric's Chickadee Mix is a premium wild bird food formulated to attract Chickadees. Chickadees bring such pleasure as they acrobatically flit from limb to bird house post.